Category Archives: Recipes
Piccalilli Receipe
Chocolate Apple Betty Recipe
1kg/2lb 4oz Bramley apples peeled
and cored
30g/1oz butter
For the crumble layer
125g/5oz soft white breadcrumbs
100g/4oz light soft brown sugar
100g/4oz dark chocolate, roughly chopped
75g/3oz butter, melted
3 heaped tbsp golden syrup
Preheat the oven to 190 degs C/gas mark 5. Cut the apples into large chunks, put them in a pan and toss with the butter and approximately two tablespoons of water over a moderate heat. When the apples start to soften but are still keeping their shape, tip them into a 1.5 litre baking dish. Mix together the breadcrumbs, sugar and chocolate and coverthe apples loosely with the mixture. Melt the butter with the golden syrup in a small saucepan and pour it over the crumble mixture, making certain to soak them all. Bake for 35 minutes until the apple is soft and the crumbs are golden and crisp.
Courtesy of the National Trust Development Chef Clive Goudercourt
Winter Rhubarb Cake
A 9in cake tin, buttered, lined with baking parchment, then greased again and dusted with flour.
500g/1lb 2oz forced rhubarb, sliced into 2cm/1in sticks
200g/7oz butter, softened
200g/7oz caster sugar
4 eggs
2 tbsp milk
100g/3.5oz self raising flour
100g/3.5oz ground almonds
2 tbsp raspberry jam
1 tbsp lemon juice
Preheat the oven to 180C/350F/gas 4. Line a baking sheet with baking paper and scatter the rhubarb sticks on it in a single layer. Bake until they partially soften, then allow to cool.
When cool, scatter half over the base of the prepared cake tin.Put butter, sugar, eggs, milk, flour and almonds into an electric mixer, and beat until you have a firm batter. If making the cake by hand, beat the butter and sugar together first, beat in the eggs one by one then fold in the flour and ground almonds.
Gently stir in the remaining rhubarb so it is distributed into the batter but does not break up. Turn the cake batter into the tin and bake for 45-55 minutes or until it feels springy to the touch – this will be a soggy cake but it should be cooked properly so insert a toothpick and pull it out – it should not have any wet cake batter on it.
Cool the cake, then turn it out. Put the raspberry jam in a pan with the lemon juice and melt over a low heat. Pass it through a sieve then paint it over the surface of the cake. Serve warm, if you like, as a pudding with whipped double cream.
Credit: Rose Prince’s baking club. Saturday Telegraph 17th Jan 25