New Web Site

Dear all members of PAA,

Welcome to the new Pitstone Allotment Association website which you will hopefully find a useful source of not only information about the allotments, but also growing guides and tips etc. Over time the site will grow with extra information being added.

If you have any ideas of things you would like included on the site, or would like to post some useful ideas or tips to share with other members please do not hesitate to contact me.

Kind regards

Brian Brooks (web admin)

Rhubarb and ginger jam

Ingredients                                                                 Makes: Approx 4 x 450g jars

1kg pink rhubarb, trimmed weight

1kg jam sugar (which has added pectin)

Zest and juice 1 lemon

50g stem or crystallised ginger, finely chopped

4cm piece ginger, peeled


Wash the rhubarb under cold running water and slice into 2cm pieces.  Tip into a large ceramic or plastic bowl and add the jam sugar, lemon zest and juice, and chopped stem ginger.  Finely grate the peeled ginger directly over the rhubarb. Stir the mixture thoroughly, cover loosely with cling film and leave to one side for about 2 hrs to allow the sugar to dissolve into the rhubarb juices.  You may need to stir the mixture occasionally to encourage this process along.

Pop a few saucers in the freezer. Scoop the fruit and all the sugary juices into a preserving pan and set over a medium heat.  Stir until the sugar has completely dissolved, and bring to the boil.  Continue to cook at a fairly swift pace until the rhubarb is really tender and the conserve has reached setting point – this should take about 10-15 mins.

To test for a set, drop half a teaspoon of the jam onto a cold saucer, leave it for 30 secs, then gently push it with the tip of your finger. If the jam wrinkles the setting point has been reached.  If not, continue to cook for a further couple of minutes and test again. Remove the pan from the heat and leave to one side for 2-3 mins before pouring into sterilised jars.  Seal immediately and label with date once completely cold.

Recipe  BBC Good Food

Annies Rhubarb

Annies Rhubarb