The allotment site is owned by the National Trust and leased to Pitstone Parish Council for the purpose of providing Allotment Gardens. Pitstone Allotment Association has accepted a range of formal duties from the Parish Council. This gives the allotment holders greater control over how the site is operated, more responsive day-to-day management, more opportunities for volunteers to utilise their skills and expertise and a greater sense of pride in the site.
Pitstone Allotment Association is represented by a committee formed by plot holders from Pitstone Allotments.
The current committee members and their Roles are as follows:
- Marjory Rankin – Chair - Julie Wills – Secretary / Site Notice Board / Chicken Officer - John Lowe – Treasurer / Site Manager / Fundraising
- Rob Spiller – Bee Officer
- Geoff Bratt – Wildlife Officer
- Sarah Bilyard
- Jackie Jones
- Graham Jones
- Sally Stafford
- Brian Brooks
In the first instance please contact