Bob and Mary Saintey are having a Wassailing Party (event!) on the allotment site on Sunday 7th Jan at 2pm to raise money for Guide Dogs for the Blind. If you would like to raise a toast to the New Year and sing a few songs plus raise somemoney for a very worthwhile cause please come along and join in.
Tag Archives: party
PAA Stall at Pitstone Party in the Park
The committee members will be hosting a stall to raise funds for the Pitstone Allotment Association at the ‘Party in the Park’ event on Saturday 13th July 2013 from 2pm. The event is to be held on Pitstone Recreation Ground, and we hope you will come along to support this event. Details.
We would be extremely grateful for any assistance you can give through the donation of either produce or plants from your plots that you can spare. If you are able to donate anything please contact the PAA Secretary Marjory Rankin in the first instance using email
Thank you in anticipation, and we look forward to seeing you there !